jill is a Certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner.
jill is a Certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, a Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner and a Kundalini Yoga Instructor. She is also currently working on her PhD in Natural Medicine as well as her certification as a Medical Intuitive.Jill’s training of the function of the subconscious mind uncovers why removal of negative emotions, programs, beliefs, karmas and patterns are vital in achieving peace and happiness. This could be accomplished though hypnosis and kundalini. By healing the inner child, forgiving and loving themselves and others, being grateful for all that they have and deepening their connection with a Higher Power, her clients are getting to the root of their issues rather than dealing with just the symptoms.
The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives, meaning we are living by negative programs, beliefs, emotions, karmas and patterns we are not even aware of. This causes blockages to occur, no matter how hard we try to fix them. By reprograming the subconscious mind, we can begin live up to our full potentia
Business Hours: Monday-Saturday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Payment Methods: Paypal and all major credit cards
Business Since: 2016
Keywords: quantum healing Delray Beach, energy healing Delray Beach, hypnosis therapy Delray Beach, past lives therapy Delray Beach, hypnosis Delray Beach